So what have been my experiences with wine thus far in my life? I am pretty sure that many people have had a lot more experience with wine than I have at my age, but that doesn't mean I haven't had any experiences with it. There are a lot of people that by the age of 22, they sadly have never tried wine.
So when does my experience start? There was my first communion, when the priest dipped the host in the wine when I was around 6, but for the intentions and purposes of this blog, it doesn't really count. My first real experience with wine was of so little significance, that I don't remember when it was, but it was most likely from the wine glass of my stepfather.
I had always been curios about wine, and liquors ever since I was a kid. So every time that I would see my stepfather drinking wine, or any other alcohol, I would always ask him if I could try his drink. He would always say that I had to wait until I was 18 (which is the legal age in my country, El Salvador) to be able to drink alcohol, but he would sometimes let me have a sip, just to try out the beverage. Wine always had a different taste to it, more different than any other alcoholic beverage.
As I grew older, I was getting more and more familiar with alcohol with my friends, as we went to more parties. I have always had a thing for rum, but I started out with the ever so traditional vodka with sprite. Point is, that as I grew, my alcoholic consumption was always centered with hard liquors, then I transitioned to being able to enjoy beer once I was older, but I never really got in the habit of trying wine, my wine tastings were limited to a sip of wine from my stepfather's glass, and once I turned 18, on occasional formal dinners.
Mainly, I have drunk only red wines in my life, I would like to name the ones that I've tried, but I don't know the names, although I do know for sure that I just recently tried a Port, which was stronger tasting than I expected. In the past, I have also had some Cabernets, and a couple of Merlots, and Pinot Noir. I haven't tried all that many whites, probably just the typical Chardonnay. Generally I prefer the red wines better, but there was one time that I tried an excellent white, though I sadly don't remember any details.
So that's what my consumption of wine is limited to for now, the occasional formal dinner with family, almost never without them present. I hope to be able to appreciate wine better, and to be able to differentiate the different types of wines, and be overall more knowledgeable about the subject. Wine is among the few last alcoholic beverages that I wish to learn how to appreciate, but I am confident that I will enjoy wine and differentiate between the different types of wine.